Ever wanted to analyze your app’s data? Understand your customers’ behavior better? Boost your revenues? Grow your business?

Sign up below to get more information on our next business analytics masterclass.

Over the years we have worked closely with various retail and financial institutions enabling them to create data-driven products. We have seen, with our support, their businesses and portfolios grow by over 30% and their customer retention rates increase exponentially. We have also learnt what works and what mistakes companies often make when deciding to embark on big data projects – from managing teams, selecting infrastructure and vendors to defining the actual project scope and expected outcomes.

It has been proven that analytics is important for businesses serving various customers for the following reasons:

  • Improved customer acquisition and retention rates
  • Increased margins of operations/profitability
  • Increased efficiency in your supply/value chain.

However, while most business leaders have understood that data is the most valuable resource for a business, majority are not sure how to begin and implement the most successful data-driven strategies.

Over a series of 3 workshops we discuss and teach key introductory concepts in business analytics as follows:

  • Session 1: Identifying KPIs and analysis that can be conducted to forecast sales revenue and product uptake i.e. how to derive insights from your database, POS or ERP
  • Session 2: Creating segments of customers based on their value to the business for targeted sales, marketing and customer care based on their demographics, likelihood to churn, spending habits and points of interaction with the business.
  • Session 3: Designing analytics projects, integrating data sources, managing teams, data integrity and privacy strategies.

This series of masterclasses is highly interactive with demonstrations of expected outcomes and insights from various analyses of data typically generated by a business. You will also access sample datasets and learn about affordable software and tools available to automate some of your analytics needs.

This class is especially suited for you if you are a small or medium business owner but we also welcome other business managers who are interested in implementing predictive analytics in their day-to-day work. i.e. managers of retail, operations, marketing and sales teams.

Sign up below to get updates on our next masterclass sessions.

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